Murray High School

Excellence, Opportunity and Success

Telephone02 6025 4711

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning


Murray High School is part of the "Positive Behaviour for Learning" (PBL) network. PBL is an internationally acknowledged behaviour and learning framework which has been successfully implemented in thousands of schools throughout the world. Research shows that PBL schools increase student learning engagement and maximise positive student behaviours.


PBL ensures that decisions about school systems and practice are based on data collected on a regular basis from the school. This data guides decision making and evaluates how well the system is working.


PBL is a values based system which ensures that all students have a clear picture of what is expected of them at school. Students have the maximum opportunity to develop positive attitudes and behaviours in order to do their best as students of our school.


Our school-wide PBL values are:






Signs are placed around our school describing the positive behaviours we expect our students to display in all our school settings. All of the behaviour expectations signs in the school have values headings. The three values and specific expectations are taught in all school contexts. We also provide incentives to reward students who display positive behaviours.


PBL is incorporated into our school plan to ensure that Murray High School continues to implement processes that support all students in choosing positive values and behaviours. Through PBL, we as a school community can guide our students to becoming successful learners and productive members of our community.