Murray High School

Excellence, Opportunity and Success

Telephone02 6025 4711

Parents and carers

Sentral parent portal

The Sentral Parent portal enables communication between students, parents and the school.
Go to Sentral

Parents & Citizens association (P&C)

Meetings: Mondays from 7pm to 8pm in the school staff room.

The P&C (Parents and Citizens Association) is all about people and communities. It's for people like you – parents, caregivers, and community-minded individuals who want to support their local school. The P&C works closely with the school to build a stronger community, benefiting all students.

What does the P&C do?

The P&C has several important roles:

  • Attend meetings: P&C meetings are held once a month on the second Monday from 7pm to 8pm in the school staff room.
  • Participate in discussions: share your thoughts on school policies, positive behaviours, student uniforms, school routines, and budgets.
  • Advise the principal: provide advice and recommendations on student issues and school operations.
  • Support the school: assist with financial or other resources for the benefit of the students.
  • Encourage community participation: join committees or groups that help improve the school for everyone.

How to join the P&C

To join the Murray High School P&C, contact us today!

Joining the P&C is one of the best ways to show your children that you value their education and care about their school. Here are some reasons to join:

  • Show you care: demonstrate that you value your child’s education.
  • Be involved: show interest in what your child does at school.
  • Support the community: help students and the school community.

The P&C and the school have achieved a lot by working together towards common goals. To keep this going, we need people from all backgrounds with a range of talents. Everyone has ideas and viewpoints, and yours will be heard.

Volunteering at school

Research shows that children benefit when their parents or carers are actively involved in their education and school life.

You can help by:

  • volunteering on sports days
  • helping supervise excursions
  • getting involved in fundraising activities
  • joining school committees.

Contact us for more information on getting involved.